On Secure Exact-repair Regenerating Codes with a Single Pareto Optimal Point

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The problem of exact-repair regenerating codes against eavesdropping attack is studied. The eavesdropping model we consider is that the eavesdropper has the capability to observe the data involved in the repair of a subset of $ell$ nodes. An $(n,k,d,ell)$ secure exact-repair regenerating code is an $(n,k,d)$ exact-repair regenerating code that is secure under this eavesdropping model. It has been shown that for some parameters $(n,k,d,ell)$, the associated optimal storage-bandwidth tradeoff curve, which has one corner point, can be determined. The focus of this paper is on characterizing such parameters. We establish a lower bound $hat{ell}$ on the number of wiretap nodes, and show that this bound is tight for the case $k = d = n-1$.

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