We analyze the semiclassical and quantum behavior of the Bianchi IX Universe in the Polymer Quantum Mechanics framework, applied to the isotropic Misner variable, linked to the space volume of the model. The study is performed both in the Hamiltonian and field equations approaches, leading to the surprising result of a still singular and chaotic cosmology, whose Poincare return map asymptotically overlaps the standard Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz one. In the quantum sector, we reproduce the original analysis due to Misner, within the revised Polymer approach and we arrive to demonstrate that the quantum numbers of the point-Universe still remain constants of motion. This issue confirms the possibility to have quasi-classical states up to the initial singularity. The present study clearly demonstrates that the asymptotic behavior of the Bianchi IX Universe towards the singularity is not significantly affected by the Polymer reformulation of the spatial volume dynamics both on a pure quantum and a semiclassical level.
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