Non-existence of Hopf orders for a twist of the alternating and symmetric groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We prove the non-existence of Hopf orders over number rings for two families of complex semisimple Hopf algebras. They are constructed as Drinfeld twists of group algebras for the following groups: $A_n$, the alternating group on $n$ elements, with $n geq 5$; and $S_{2m}$, the symmetric group on $2m$ elements, with $m geq 4$ even. The twist for $A_n$ arises from a $2$-cocycle on the Klein four-group contained in $A_4$. The twist for $S_{2m}$ arises from a $2$-cocycle on a subgroup generated by certain transpositions which is isomorphic to $mathbb{Z}_2^m$. This provides more examples of complex semisimple Hopf algebras that can not be defined over number rings. As in the previous family known, these Hopf algebras are simple.

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