Cache-Enabled Dynamic Rate Allocation via Deep Self-Transfer Reinforcement Learning

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Caching and rate allocation are two promising approaches to support video streaming over wireless network. However, existing rate allocation designs do not fully exploit the advantages of the two approaches. This paper investigates the problem of cache-enabled QoE-driven video rate allocation problem. We establish a mathematical model for this problem, and point out that it is difficult to solve the problem with traditional dynamic programming. Then we propose a deep reinforcement learning approaches to solve it. First, we model the problem as a Markov decision problem. Then we present a deep Q-learning algorithm with a special knowledge transfer process to find out effective allocation policy. Finally, numerical results are given to demonstrate that the proposed solution can effectively maintain high-quality user experience of mobile user moving among small cells. We also investigate the impact of configuration of critical parameters on the performance of our algorithm.

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