Approximate Query Matching for Image Retrieval

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Traditional image recognition involves identifying the key object in a portrait-type image with a single object focus (ILSVRC, AlexNet, and VGG). More recent approaches consider dense image recognition - segmenting an image with appropriate bounding boxes and performing image recognition within these bounding boxes (Semantic segmentation). The Visual Genome dataset [5] is an attempt to bridge these various approaches to a cohesive dataset for each subtask - bounding box generation, image recognition, captioning, and a new operation: scene graph generation. Our focus is on using such scene graphs to perform graph search on image databases to holistically retrieve images based on a search criteria. We develop a method to store scene graphs and metadata in graph databases (using Neo4J) and to perform fast approximate retrieval of images based on a graph search query. We process more complex queries than single object search, e.g. girl eating cake retrieves images that contain the specified relation as well as variations.

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