Dynamical evolutions in non-Hermitian triple-well system with complex potential

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the dynamical properties for non-Hermitian triple-well system with a loss in the middle well. When chemical potentials in two end wells are uniform and nonlinear interactions are neglected, there always exists a dark state, whose eigenenergy becomes zero, and the projections onto which do not change over time and the loss factor. The increasing of loss factor only makes the damping form from the oscillating decay to over-damping decay. However, when the nonlinear interaction is introduced, even interactions in the two end wells are also uniform, the projection of the dark state will be obviously diminished. Simultaneously the increasing of loss factor will also aggravate the loss. In this process the interaction in the middle well plays no role. When two chemical potentials or interactions in two end wells are not uniform all disappear with time. In addition, when we extend the triple-well system to a general (2n + 1)-well, the loss is reduced greatly by the factor 1=2n in the absence of the nonlinear interaction.

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