Mechanically modulated emission spectra and blockade of polaritons

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study a hybrid semiconductor-optomechanical system, which consists of a cavity with an oscillating mirror made by semiconducting materials or with a semiconducting membrane inside. The cavity photons and the excitons in the oscillating mirror or semiconducting membrane form into polaritons. And correspondingly, the optomechanical interaction between the cavity photons and the mirror or membrane is changed into the polariton-mechanical interaction. We theoretically study the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions of this tripartite hybrid system with the generalized rotating-wave approximation. We show that the emission spectrum of polariton mode is modulated by the mechanical resonator. We also study the mechanical effect on the statistical properties of the polariton when the cavity is driven by a weak classical field. This work provides a detailed description of the rich nonlinearity owing to the competition between parametric coupling and three-wave mixing interaction concerning the polariton modes and the phonon mode. It also offers a way to operate the photons, phonons and excitons, e.g., detect the properties of mechanical resonator through the fine spectra of the polaritons or control the transmission of light in the integrated semiconducting-optomechanical platform.

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