Reliability evaluation of folded hypercubes in terms of component connectivity

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The component connectivity is the generalization of connectivity which is an parameter for the reliability evaluation of interconnection networks. The $g$-component connectivity $ckappa_{g}(G)$ of a non-complete connected graph $G$ is the minimum number of vertices whose deletion results in a graph with at least $g$ components. The results in [Component connectivity of the hypercubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 89 (2012) 137-145] by Hsu et al. determines the component connectivity of the hypercubes. As an invariant of the hypercube, we determine the $(g+1)$-component connectivity of the folded hypercube $ckappa_{g}(FQ_{n})=g(n+1)-frac{1}{2}g(g+1)+1$ for $1leq g leq n+1, ngeq 8$ in this paper.

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