Thermal algebraic-decay charge liquid driven by competing short-range Coulomb repulsion

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explore the possibility of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like critical phase for the charge degrees of freedom in the intermediate-temperature regime between the charge-ordered and disordered phases in two-dimensional systems with competing short-range Coulomb repulsion. As the simplest example, we investigate the extended Hubbard model with on-site and nearest-neighbor Coulomb interactions on a triangular lattice at half filling in the atomic limit by using a classical Monte Carlo method, and find a critical phase, characterized by algebraic decay of the charge correlation function, belonging to the universality class of the two-dimensional XY model with a $mathbb{Z}_6$ anisotropy. Based on the results, we discuss possible conditions for the critical phase in materials.

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