We propose a minimal and self-contained model in non-compact flat five dimensions which localizes the Standard Model (SM) on a domain wall. Localization of gauge fields is achieved by the condensation of Higgs field via a Higgs dependent gauge kinetic term in five-dimensional Lagrangian. The domain wall connecting vacua with unbroken gauge symmetry drives the Higgs condensation which provides both electroweak symmetry breaking and gauge field localization at the same time. Our model predicts higher-dimensional interactions $|H|^{2n}(F_{mu u})^2$ in the low-energy effective theory. This leads to two expectations: The one is a new tree-level contribution to $H to gammagamma$ ($H to gg$) decay whose signature is testable in future LHC experiment. The other is a finite electroweak monopole which may be accessible to the MoEDAL experiment. Interactions of translational Nambu-Goldstone boson is shown to satisfy a low-energy theorem.
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