Magnetization Reversal by Tuning Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction and Josephson Phase in a Ferromagnetic Josephson Junction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We theoretically investigate the magnetization inside a normal metal containing the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) induced by the proximity effect in an s-wave superconductor/normal metal/ferromagnetic metal/s-wave superconductor (S/N/F/S) Josephson junction. By solving the linearized Usadel equation taking account of the RSOI,we find that the direction of the magnetization induced by the proximity effect in N can be reversed by tuning the RSOI.Moreover, we also find that the direction of the magnetization inside N can be reversed by changing the superconducting phase difference, i.e., Josephson phase. From these results, it is expected that the dependence of the magnetization on the RSOI and Josephson phase can be applied to superconducting spintronics.

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