Measurement of $hat{q}$ in RHI collisions using di-hadron correlations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the BDMPSZ model, the energy loss of an outgoing parton in a medium $-dE/dx$ is the transport coefficient $hat{q}$ times $L$ the length traveled. This results in jet quenching, which is well established. However BDMPSZ also predicts an azimuthal broadening of di-jets also proportional to $hat{q}L$ which has so far not been observed. The broadening should produce a larger $k_T$ in A$+$A than in p$+$p collisions. This presentation introduces the observation that the $k_T$ measured in p$+$p collisions for di-hadrons with $p_{Tt}$ and $p_{Ta}$ must be reduced to compensate for the energy loss of both the trigger and away parent partons when comparing to the $k_T$ measured with the same di-hadron $p_{Tt}$ and $p_{Ta}$ in A$+$A collisions. This idea is applied to a recent STAR di-hadron measurement in Au$+$Au at $sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV, [Phys. Lett. B760 (2016) 689], with result $<{hat{q}L}>=2.1pm 0.6$ GeV$^2$. This is more precise but in agreement with a theoretical calculation of $<{hat{q}L}>=14^{+42}_{-14}$ GeV$^2$ using the same data. Assuming a length $<{L}>approx 7$ fm for central Au$+$Au collisions the present result gives $hat{q}approx 0.30pm 0.09$ GeV$^2$/fm, in fair agreement with the JET collaboration result from single hadron suppression of $hat{q}approx 1.2pm 0.3$ GeV$^2$/fm at an initial time $tau_0=0.6$ fm/c in Au$+$Au collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV. There are several interesting details to be discussed: for a given $p_{Tt}$ the $<{hat{q}L}>$ seems to decrease then vanish with increasing $p_{Ta}$; the di-jet spends a much longer time in the medium ($approx 7$ fm/c) then $tau_0=0.6$ fm/c which likely affects the value of $hat{q}$ that would be observed.

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