An asymptotic bound for Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of certain Ext modules over graded complete intersection rings

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Set $ A := Q/({bf z}) $, where $ Q $ is a polynomial ring over a field, and $ {bf z} = z_1,ldots,z_c $ is a homogeneous $ Q $-regular sequence. Let $ M $ and $ N $ be finitely generated graded $ A $-modules, and $ I $ be a homogeneous ideal of $ A $. We show that (1) $ mathrm{reg}left( mathrm{Ext}_A^{i}(M, I^nN) right) le rho_N(I) cdot n - f cdot leftlfloor frac{i}{2} rightrfloor + b mbox{ for all } i, n ge 0 $, (2) $ mathrm{reg}left( mathrm{Ext}_A^{i}(M,N/I^nN) right) le rho_N(I) cdot n - f cdot leftlfloor frac{i}{2} rightrfloor + b mbox{ for all } i, n ge 0 $, where $ b $ and $ b $ are some constants, $ f := mathrm{min}{ mathrm{deg}(z_j) : 1 le j le c } $, and $ rho_N(I) $ is an invariant defined in terms of reduction ideals of $ I $ with respect to $ N $. There are explicit examples which show that these inequalities are sharp.

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