Using Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approach we obtained analytical expressions for thermodynamic quantities of the system of triplons in spin gapped quantum magnets such as magnetization, heat capacity and the magnetic Gr{u}neisen parameter $Gamma_H$. Near the critical temperature, $Gamma_H$ is discontinuous and changes its sign upon the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of triplons. On the other hand, in the widely used Hartree-Fock-Popov (HFP) approach there is no discontinuity neither in the heat capacity nor in the Gr{u}neisen parameter. We predict that in the low-temperature limit and near the critical magnetic field $H_c$, $Gamma_H$ diverges as $Gamma_Hsim 1/T^{2}$, while it scales as $Gamma_Hsim 1/(H-H_c)$ as the magnetic field approaches the quantum critical point at $H_c$.
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