Resumming perturbative series in the presence of monopole bubbling effects

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Monopole bubbling effect is screening of magnetic charges of singular Dirac monopoles by regular t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. We study properties of weak coupling perturbative series in the presence of monopole bubbling effects as well as instantons. For this purpose, we analyze supersymmetric t Hooft loop in four dimensional $mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories with Lagrangians and non-positive beta functions. We show that the perturbative series of the t Hooft loop is Borel summable along positive real axis for fixed instanton numbers and screened magnetic charges. It turns out that the exact result of the t Hooft loop is the same as the sum of the Borel resummations over instanton numbers and effective magnetic charges. We also obtain the same result for supersymmetric dyonic loops.

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