Augmented Homotopical Algebraic Geometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop the framework for augmented homotopical algebraic geometry. This is an extension of homotopical algebraic geometry, which itself is a homotopification of classical algebraic geometry. To do so, we define the notion of augmentation categories, which are a special class of generalised Reedy categories. For an augmentation category, we prove the existence of a closed Quillen model structure on the presheaf category which is compatible with the Kan-Quillen model structure on simplicial sets. Moreover, we use the concept of augmented hypercovers to define a local model structure on the category of augmented presheaves. We prove that crossed simplicial groups, and the planar rooted tree category are examples of augmentation categories. Finally, we introduce a method for generating new examples from old via a categorical pushout construction.

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