$k$-Foldability of Words

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We extend results regarding a combinatorial model introduced by Black, Drellich, and Tymoczko (2017+) which generalizes the folding of the RNA molecule in biology. Consider a word on alphabet ${A_1, overline{A}_1, ldots, A_m, overline{A}_m}$ in which $overline{A}_i$ is called the complement of $A_i$. A word $w$ is foldable if can be wrapped around a rooted plane tree $T$, starting at the root and working counterclockwise such that one letter labels each half edge and the two letters labeling the same edge are complements. The tree $T$ is called $w$-valid. We define a bijection between edge-colored plane trees and words folded onto trees. This bijection is used to characterize and enumerate words for which there is only one valid tree. We follow up with a characterization of words for which there exist exactly two valid trees. In addition, we examine the set $mathcal{R}(n,m)$ consisting of all integers $k$ for which there exists a word of length $2n$ with exactly $k$ valid trees. Black, Drellich, and Tymoczko showed that for the $n$th Catalan number $C_n$, ${C_n,C_{n-1}}subset mathcal{R}(n,1)$ but $k otinmathcal{R}(n,1)$ for $C_{n-1}<k<C_n$. We describe a superset of $mathcal{R}(n,1)$ in terms of the Catalan numbers by which we establish more missing intervals. We also prove $mathcal{R}(n,1)$ contains all non-negative integer less than $n+1$.

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