All Killing Superalgebras for Warped AdS Backgrounds

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present all the symmetry superalgebras $mathfrak{g}$ of all warped AdS$_ktimes_w M^{d-k}$, $k>2$, flux backgrounds in $d=10, 11$ dimensions preserving any number of supersymmetries. First we give the conditions for $mathfrak{g}$ to decompose into a direct sum of the isometry algebra of AdS$_k$ and that of the internal space $M^{d-k}$. Assuming this decomposition, we identify all symmetry superalgebras of AdS$_3$ backgrounds by showing that the isometry groups of internal spaces act transitively on spheres. We demonstrate that in type II and $d=11$ theories the AdS$_3$ symmetry superalgebras may not be simple and also present all symmetry superalgebras of heterotic AdS$_3$ backgrounds. Furthermore, we explicitly give the symmetry superalgebras of AdS$_k$, $k>3$, backgrounds and prove that they are all classical.

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