In-depth study of the $H -T$ phase diagram of Sr4Ru3O10 by magnetization experiments

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present magnetization measurements on Sr4Ru3O10 as a function of temperature and magnetic field applied perpendicular to the magnetic easy $c$-axis inside the ferromagnetic phase. Peculiar metamagnetism evolves in Sr4Ru3O10 below the ferromagnetic transition $T_{C}$ as a double step in the magnetization at two critical fields $H_{c1}$ and $H_{c2}$. We map the $H-T$ phase diagram with special focus on the temperature range 50,K $le T le T_{C}$. We find that the critical field $H_{c1}(T)$ connects the field and temperature axes of the phase diagram, whereas the $H_{c2}$ boundary starts at 2.8,T for the lowest temperatures and ends in a critical endpoint at (1,T; 80,K). We conclude from the temperature dependence of the ratio $frac{Hc1}{Hc2}(T)$ that the double metamagnetic transition is an intrinisc effect of the material and it is not caused by sample stacking faults such as twinning or partial in-plane rotation between layers.

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