Observations et modelisations spectro-interferometriques longue base des etoiles et de leur environnement proche

الملخص بالإنكليزية

With the construction of the VLTI (Very Large Telescope Interferometer of the European Observatory ESO for the southern hemisphere) it is now possible to make observations with resolutions of the order of milli-arc-seconds, especially in IR with AMBER instrument (Astronomical Multi Beam Recombine). These new capabilities allow us to better constrain the stellar structures such as polar jets, equatorial disks and flattened photospheres of rotating stars. Thus the estimation of stellar fundamental parameters allows to explore in detail the mechanisms of mass loss, pulsation and magnetism governing the variability and the evolution of the stars. This thesis presents the results of fast rotating stars observations carried out on the AMBER spectro-interferometer VLTI in its high & medium spectral resolutions modes. The observations were highly degraded by the optical defects of AMBER and their analysis required the development of specific digital reduction tools to reach the necessary precision for the interferometric measurements interpretation. In order to interpret those measures I developed a chromatic semi-analytical model of rapidly rotating star that allowed me to estimate, from the differential phases; the degree of flattening, the equatorial radius, the rotation velocity, the angle of inclination, the position angle of the star rotation axis in the sky, the local distribution of the effective temperature and the surface gravity of the star within the von Zeipel theorem. The results for four massive stars of spectral types B, A and F have allowed me to characterize the mechanisms discussed above and thus open some prospect for more systematic studies of similar objects, with extending later these studies to the relationship photosphere - circumstellar envelope.

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