Characterizing spin transport: detection of spin accumulation via magnetic stray field

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Spin transport in electric conductors is largely determined by two material parameters - spin diffusion length and spin Hall angle. In metals, these are typically determined indirectly by probing magnetoresistance in magnet/metal heterostructures, assuming knowledge of the interfacial properties. We suggest profiling the charge current induced spin Hall spin accumulation in metals, via detection of the magnetic stray field generated by the associated static magnetization, as a direct means of determining spin transport parameters. We evaluate the spatial profile of the stray field as well as the Oersted field generated by the charge current. We thus demonstrate that such a charge current induced spin accumulation is well within the detection limit of contemporary technology. Measuring the stray fields may enable direct access to spin-related properties of metals paving the way for a better and consistent understanding of spin transport therein.

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