A natural generalisation in graph Ramsey theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this note we study graphs $G_r$ with the property that every colouring of $E(G_r)$ with $r+1$ colours admits a copy of some graph $H$ using at most $r$ colours. For $1le rle e(H)$ such graphs occur naturally at intermediate steps in the synthesis of a $2$-colour Ramsey graph $G_1longrightarrow H$. (The corresponding notion of Ramsey-type numbers was introduced by Erdos, Hajnal and Rado in 1965 and subsequently studied by Erdos and Szemeredi in 1972). For $H=K_n$ we prove a result on building a $G_{r}$ from a $G_{r+1}$ and establish Ramsey-infiniteness. From the structural point of view, we characterise the class of the minimal $G_r$ in the case when $H$ is relaxed to be the graph property of containing a cycle; we then use it to progress towards a constructive description of that class by proving both a reduction and an extension theorem.

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