Link invariants derived from multiplexing of crossings

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We introduce the multiplexing of a crossing, replacing a classical crossing of a virtual link diagram with multiple crossings which is a mixture of classical and virtual. For integers $m_{i}$ $(i=1,ldots,n)$ and an ordered $n$-component virtual link diagram $D$, a new virtual link diagram $D(m_{1},ldots,m_{n})$ is obtained from $D$ by the multiplexing of all crossings. For welded isotopic virtual link diagrams $D$ and $D$, $D(m_{1},ldots,m_{n})$ and $D(m_{1},ldots,m_{n})$ are welded isotopic. From the point of view of classical link theory, it seems very interesting that $D(m_{1},ldots,m_{n})$ could not be welded isotopic to a classical link diagram even if $D$ is a classical one, and new classical link invariants are expected from known welded link invariants via the multiplexing of crossings.

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