State Evolution for Approximate Message Passing with Non-Separable Functions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Given a high-dimensional data matrix ${boldsymbol A}in{mathbb R}^{mtimes n}$, Approximate Message Passing (AMP) algorithms construct sequences of vectors ${boldsymbol u}^tin{mathbb R}^n$, ${boldsymbol v}^tin{mathbb R}^m$, indexed by $tin{0,1,2dots}$ by iteratively applying ${boldsymbol A}$ or ${boldsymbol A}^{{sf T}}$, and suitable non-linear functions, which depend on the specific application. Special instances of this approach have been developed --among other applications-- for compressed sensing reconstruction, robust regression, Bayesian estimation, low-rank matrix recovery, phase retrieval, and community detection in graphs. For certain classes of random matrices ${boldsymbol A}$, AMP admits an asymptotically exact description in the high-dimensional limit $m,ntoinfty$, which goes under the name of `state evolution. Earlier work established state evolution for separable non-linearities (under certain regularity conditions). Nevertheless, empirical work demonstrated several important applications that require non-separable functions. In this paper we generalize state evolution to Lipschitz continuous non-separable nonlinearities, for Gaussian matrices ${boldsymbol A}$. Our proof makes use of Bolthausens conditioning technique along with several approximation arguments. In particular, we introduce a modified algorithm (called LAMP for Long AMP) which is of independent interest.

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