Long-Lived Ultracold Molecules with Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We create fermionic dipolar $^{23}$Na$^6$Li molecules in their triplet ground state from an ultracold mixture of $^{23}$Na and $^6$Li. Using magneto-association across a narrow Feshbach resonance followed by a two-photon STIRAP transfer to the triplet ground state, we produce $3,{times},10^4$ ground state molecules in a spin-polarized state. We observe a lifetime of $4.6,text{s}$ in an isolated molecular sample, approaching the $p$-wave universal rate limit. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy of the triplet state was used to determine the hyperfine structure of this previously unobserved molecular state.

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