Characteristic features of the Shannon information entropy of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Calculation of the Shannon information entropy (S) and its connection with the order-disorder transition, and with inter-particle interaction provide a challenging research area in the field of quantum information. Experimental progress with cold trapped atoms has corroborated this interest. In the present work, S is calculated for the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with dominant dipolar interaction for different dipole strengths, trap aspect ratio and number of particles (N). Trapped dipolar bosons in an anisotropic trap provide an example of system where the effective interaction is strongly determined by the trap geometry. The main conlcusion of the present calculation is that the anisotropic trap reduces the number of degrees of freedom, resulting in more ordered configurations. The Landsbergs order parameter exhibits quick saturation with the increase in scattering length in both prolate and oblate traps. We also define the threshold scattering length which makes the system completely disordered. Unlike non-dipolar BEC in a spherical trap, we do not find a universal linear relation between S and ln N, and we, therefore, introduce a general quintic polynomial fit rather well working for a wide range of particle number.

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