The Japanese comic format known as Manga is popular all over the world. It is traditionally produced in black and white, and colorization is time consuming and costly. Automatic colorization methods generally rely on greyscale values, which are not present in manga. Furthermore, due to copyright protection, colorized manga available for training is scarce. We propose a manga colorization method based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN). Unlike previous cGAN approaches that use many hundreds or thousands of training images, our method requires only a single colorized reference image for training, avoiding the need of a large dataset. Colorizing manga using cGANs can produce blurry results with artifacts, and the resolution is limited. We therefore also propose a method of segmentation and color-correction to mitigate these issues. The final results are sharp, clear, and in high resolution, and stay true to the characters original color scheme.
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