The First Scattered Light Image of the Debris Disk around the Sco-Cen target HD 129590

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the first scattered light image of the debris disk around HD 129590, a ~1.3 M$_odot$ G1V member of the Scorpius Centaurus association with age ~10-16 Myr. The debris disk is imaged with the high contrast imaging instrument SPHERE at the Very Large Telescope, and is revealed by both the IRDIS and IFS subsytems, operating in the H and YJ bands respectively. The disk has a high infrared luminosity of $L_{textrm{IR}}/L_{textrm{star}}$~5$times$10$^{-3}$, and has been resolved in other studies using ALMA. We detect a nearly edge on ring, with evidence of an inner clearing. We fit the debris disk using a model characterized by a single bright ring, with radius ~60-70 AU, in broad agreement with previous analysis of the target SED. The disk is vertically thin, and has an inclination angle of ~75$^circ$. Along with other previously imaged edge-on disks in the Sco-Cen association such as HD 110058, HD 115600, and HD 111520, this disk image will allow of the structure and morphology of very young debris disks, shortly after the epoch of planet formation has ceased.

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