Phonon mediated conversion of exciton-polaritons Rabi oscillation into THz radiation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Semiconductor microcavities in the strong-coupling regime exhibit an energy scale in the THz frequency range, which is fixed by the Rabi splitting between the upper and lower exciton-polariton states. While this range can be tuned by several orders of magnitude using different excitonic medium, the transition between both polaritonic states is dipole forbidden. In this work we show that in Cadmium Telluride microcavities, the Rabi-oscillation driven THz radiation is actually active without the need for any change in the microcavity design. This feature results from the unique resonance condition which is achieved between the Rabi splitting and the phonon-polariton states, and leads to a giant enhancement of the second order nonlinearity.

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