Baryon asymmetry generation in the E6CHM

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the E6 inspired composite Higgs model (E6CHM) the strongly interacting sector possesses an SU(6) global symmetry which is expected to be broken down to its SU(5) subgroup at the scale f > 10 TeV. This breakdown results in a set of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (pNGBs) that includes one Standard Model (SM) singlet scalar, a SM-like Higgs doublet and an SU(3)_C triplet of scalar fields, T. In the E6CHM the Z^L_{2} symmetry, which is a discrete subgroup of the U(1)_L associated with lepton number conservation, can be used to forbid operators which lead to rapid proton decay. The remaining baryon number violating operators are sufficiently strongly suppressed because of the large value of the scale f. We argue that in this variant of the E6CHM a sizeable baryon number asymmetry can be induced if CP is violated. At the same time, the presence of the SU(3)_C scalar triplet with mass in the few TeV range may give rise to spectacular new physics signals that may be detected at the LHC in the near future.

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