Constraining a dark matter and dark energy interaction scenario with a dynamical equation of state

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work we have used the recent cosmic chronometers data along with the latest estimation of the local Hubble parameter value, $H_0$ at 2.4% precision as well as the standard dark energy probes, such as the Supernovae Type Ia, baryon acoustic oscillation distance measurements, and cosmic microwave background measurements (PlanckTT $+$ lowP) to constrain a dark energy model where the dark energy is allowed to interact with the dark matter. A general equation of state of dark energy parametrized by a dimensionless parameter `$beta$ is utilized. From our analysis, we find that the interaction is compatible with zero within the 1$sigma$ confidence limit. We also show that the same evolution history can be reproduced by a small pressure of the dark matter.

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