Critical two-point function for long-range $O(n)$ models below the upper critical dimension

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the $n$-component $|varphi|^4$ lattice spin model ($n ge 1$) and the weakly self-avoiding walk ($n=0$) on $mathbb{Z}^d$, in dimensions $d=1,2,3$. We study long-range models based on the fractional Laplacian, with spin-spin interactions or walk step probabilities decaying with distance $r$ as $r^{-(d+alpha)}$ with $alpha in (0,2)$. The upper critical dimension is $d_c=2alpha$. For $epsilon >0$, and $alpha = frac 12 (d+epsilon)$, the dimension $d=d_c-epsilon$ is below the upper critical dimension. For small $epsilon$, weak coupling, and all integers $n ge 0$, we prove that the two-point function at the critical point decays with distance as $r^{-(d-alpha)}$. This sticking of the critical exponent at its mean-field value was first predicted in the physics literature in 1972. Our proof is based on a rigorous renormalisation group method. The treatment of observables differs from that used in recent work on the nearest-neighbour 4-dimensional case, via our use of a cluster expansion.

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