The multi-component nature of bilayer graphene (BLG), together with the ability to controllably tune between the various ground state orders, makes it a rich system in which to explore interaction driven phenomena. In the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) regime, the unique Landau level spectrum of BLG is anticipated to support a non-Abelian even-denominator state that is tunable by both electric and magnetic fields. However, observation of this state, which is anticipated to be stronger than in conventional systems, has been conspicuously difficult. Here we report transport measurements of a robust even denominator FQHE in high-mobility, dual gated BLG devices. We confirm that the stability of the energy gap can be sensitively tuned and map the phase diagram. Our results establish BLG as a dynamic new platform to study topological ground states with possible non-Abelian excitations.
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