Detection of HC$_3$N maser emission in NGC253

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report the detection of maser emission from the $J=4-3$ transition of HC$_3$N at 36.4~GHz towards the nearby starburst galaxy NGC253. This is the first detection of maser emission from this transition in either a Galactic or extragalactic source. The HC$_3$N maser emission has a brightness temperature in excess of 2500 K and is offset from the center of the galaxy by approximately 18 arcsec (300 pc), but close to a previously reported class~I methanol maser. Both the HC$_3$N and methanol masers appear to arise near the interface between the galactic bar and the central molecular zone, where it is thought that molecular gas is being transported inwards, producing a region of extensive low-velocity shocks.

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