Minimal excitation states for heat transport in driven quantum Hall systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate minimal excitation states for heat transport into a fractional quantum Hall system driven out of equilibrium by means of time-periodic voltage pulses. A quantum point contact allows for tunneling of fractional quasi-particles between opposite edge states, thus acting as a beam splitter in the framework of the electron quantum optics. Excitations are then studied through heat and mixed noise generated by the random partitioning at the barrier. It is shown that levitons, the single-particle excitations of a filled Fermi sea recently observed in experiments, represent the cleanest states for heat transport, since excess heat and mixed shot noise both vanish only when Lorentzian voltage pulses carrying integer electric charge are applied to the conductor. This happens in the integer quantum Hall regime and for Laughlin fractional states as well, with no influence of fractional physics on the conditions for clean energy pulses. In addition, we demonstrate the robustness of such excitations to the overlap of Lorentzian wavepackets. Even though mixed and heat noise have nonlinear dependence on the voltage bias, and despite the non-integer power-law behavior arising from the fractional quantum Hall physics, an arbitrary superposition of levitons always generates minimal excitation states.

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