Band filling control of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in weakly ferromagnetic insulators

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We observe and explain theoretically a dramatic evolution of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the series of isostructural weak ferromagnets, MnCO$_3$, FeBO$_3$, CoCO$_3$ and NiCO$_3$. The sign of the interaction is encoded in the phase of x-ray magnetic diffraction amplitude, observed through interference with resonant quadrupole scattering. We find very good quantitative agreement with first-principles electronic structure calculations, reproducing both sign and magnitude through the series, and propose a simplified `toy model to explain the change in sign with 3 d shell filling. The model gives a clue for qualitative understanding of the evolution of the DMI in Mott and charge transfer insulators.

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