Interactive Program Synthesis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Program synthesis from incomplete specifications (e.g. input-output examples) has gained popularity and found real-world applications, primarily due to its ease-of-use. Since this technology is often used in an interactive setting, efficiency and correctness are often the key user expectations from a system based on such technologies. Ensuring efficiency is challenging since the highly combinatorial nature of program synthesis algorithms does not fit in a 1-2 second response expectation of a user-facing system. Meeting correctness expectations is also difficult, given that the specifications provided are incomplete, and that the users of such systems are typically non-programmers. In this paper, we describe how interactivity can be leveraged to develop efficient synthesis algorithms, as well as to decrease the cognitive burden that a user endures trying to ensure that the system produces the desired program. We build a formal model of user interaction along three dimensions: incremental algorithm, step-based problem formulation, and feedback-based intent refinement. We then illustrate the effectiveness of each of these forms of interactivity with respect to synthesis performance and correctness on a set of real-world case studies.

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