Odd sphere bundles, symplectic manifolds, and their intersection theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recently, Tsai-Tseng-Yau constructed new invariants of symplectic manifolds: a sequence of Aoo-algebras built of differential forms on the symplectic manifold. We show that these symplectic Aoo-algebras have a simple topological interpretation. Namely, when the cohomology class of the symplectic form is integral, these Aoo-algebras are equivalent to the standard de Rham differential graded algebra on certain odd-dimensional sphere bundles over the symplectic manifold. From this equivalence, we deduce for a closed symplectic manifold that Tsai-Tseng-Yaus symplectic Aoo-algebras satisfy the Calabi-Yau property, and importantly, that they can be used to define an intersection theory for coisotropic/isotropic chains. We further demonstrate that these symplectic Aoo-algebras satisfy several functorial properties and lay the groundwork for addressing Weinstein functoriality and invariance in the smooth category.

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