Ballistic, diffusive, and arrested transport in disordered momentum-space lattices

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Ultracold atoms in optical lattices offer a unique platform for investigating disorder-driven phenomena. While static disordered site potentials have been explored in a number of optical lattice experiments, a more general control over site-energy and off-diagonal tunneling disorder has been lacking. The use of atomic quantum states as synthetic dimensions has introduced the spectroscopic, site-resolved control necessary to engineer new, more tailored realizations of disorder. Here, by controlling laser-driven dynamics of atomic population in a momentum-space lattice, we extend the range of synthetic-dimension-based quantum simulation and present the first explorations of dynamical disorder and tunneling disorder in an atomic system. By applying static tunneling phase disorder to a one-dimensional lattice, we observe ballistic quantum spreading as in the case of uniform tunneling. When the applied disorder fluctuates on timescales comparable to intersite tunneling, we instead observe diffusive atomic transport, signaling a crossover from quantum to classical expansion dynamics. We compare these observations to the case of static site-energy disorder, where we directly observe quantum localization in the momentum-space lattice.

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