Emergent Bloch Excitations in Mott Matter

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop a unified theoretical picture for excitations in Mott systems, portraying both the heavy quasiparticle excitations and the Hubbard bands as features of an emergent Fermi liquid state formed in an extended Hilbert space, which is non-perturbatively connected to the physical system. This observation sheds light on the fact that even the incoherent excitations in strongly correlated matter often display a well defined Bloch character, with pronounced momentum dispersion. Furthermore, it indicates that the Mott point can be viewed as a topological transition, where the number of distinct dispersing bands displays a sudden change at the critical point. Our results, obtained from an appropriate variational principle, display also remarkable quantitative accuracy. This opens an exciting avenue for fast realistic modeling of strongly correlated materials.

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