Enumeration of the Chebyshev-Frolov lattice points in axis-parallel boxes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For a positive integer $d$, the $d$-dimensional Chebyshev-Frolov lattice is the $mathbb{Z}$-lattice in $mathbb{R}^d$ generated by the Vandermonde matrix associated to the roots of the $d$-dimensional Chebyshev polynomial. It is important to enumerate the points from the Chebyshev-Frolov lattices in axis-parallel boxes when $d = 2^n$ for a non-negative integer $n$, since the points are used for the nodes of Frolovs cubature formula, which achieves the optimal rate of convergence for many spaces of functions with bounded mixed derivatives and compact support. The existing enumeration algorithm for such points by Kacwin, Oettershagen and Ullrich is efficient up to dimension $d=16$. In this paper we suggest a new enumeration algorithm of such points for $d=2^n$, efficient up to $d=32$.

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