Heavy-Light Exotics from QCD Laplace Sum Rules at N2LO in the chiral limit

الملخص بالإنكليزية

These talks review and summarize our results in [1,2] on $XYZ$-like spectra obtained from QCD Laplace Sum Rules in the chiral limit at next-to-next-leading order (N2LO) of perturbation theory (PT) and including leading order (LO) contributions of dimensions $dleq 6-8$ non-perturbative condensates. We conclude that the observed $XZ$ states are good candidates for $1^{+}$ and $0^+$ molecules or / and four-quark states while the predictions for $1^-$ and $0^-$ states are about 1.5 GeV above the $Y_{c,b}$ experimental candidates and hadronic thresholds. We (numerically) find that these exotic molecules couple weakly to the corresponding interpolating currents than ordinary $D,B$ heavy-light mesons while we observe that these couplings decrease faster [$1/m_b^{3/2}$ (resp. $1/m_b$) for the $1^+,0^+$ (resp. $1^-,0^-)$ states] than $1/m_b^{1/2}$. Our results do not also confirm the existence of the $X(5568)$ state in agreement with LHCb findings.

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