New Frameworks for Offline and Streaming Coreset Constructions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $P$ be a set (called points), $Q$ be a set (called queries) and a function $ f:Ptimes Qto [0,infty)$ (called cost). For an error parameter $epsilon>0$, a set $Ssubseteq P$ with a emph{weight function} $w:P rightarrow [0,infty)$ is an $epsilon$-coreset if $sum_{sin S}w(s) f(s,q)$ approximates $sum_{pin P} f(p,q)$ up to a multiplicative factor of $1pmepsilon$ for every given query $qin Q$. We construct coresets for the $k$-means clustering of $n$ input points, both in an arbitrary metric space and $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. For Euclidean space, we present the first coreset whose size is simultaneously independent of both $d$ and $n$. In particular, this is the first coreset of size $o(n)$ for a stream of $n$ sparse points in a $d ge n$ dimensional space (e.g. adjacency matrices of graphs). We also provide the first generalizations of such coresets for handling outliers. For arbitrary metric spaces, we improve the dependence on $k$ to $k log k$ and present a matching lower bound. For $M$-estimator clustering (special cases include the well-known $k$-median and $k$-means clustering), we introduce a new technique for converting an offline coreset construction to the streaming setting. Our method yields streaming coreset algorithms requiring the storage of $O(S + k log n)$ points, where $S$ is the size of the offline coreset. In comparison, the previous state-of-the-art was the merge-and-reduce technique that required $O(S log^{2a+1} n)$ points, where $a$ is the exponent in the offline constructions dependence on $epsilon^{-1}$. For example, combining our offline and streaming results, we produce a streaming metric $k$-means coreset algorithm using $O(epsilon^{-2} k log k log n)$ points of storage. The previous state-of-the-art required $O(epsilon^{-4} k log k log^{6} n)$ points.

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