Anyonic Haldane insulator in one dimension

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We demonstrate numerically the existence of a nontrivial topological Haldane phase for the one-dimensional extended ($U$-$V$) Hubbard model with a mean density of one particle per site, not only for bosons but also for anyons, despite a broken reflection parity symmetry. The Haldane insulator, surrounded by superfluid, Mott insulator and density-wave phases in the $V$-$U$ parameter plane, is protected by combined (modified) spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, which is verified within our matrix-product-state based infinite density-matrix renormalization group scheme by analyzing generalized transfer matrices. With regard to an experimental verification of the anyonic Haldane insulator state the calculated asymmetry of the dynamical density structure factor should be of particular importance.

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