Data Integration with High Dimensionality

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider a problem of data integration. Consider determining which genes affect a disease. The genes, which we call predictor objects, can be measured in different experiments on the same individual. We address the question of finding which genes are predictors of disease by any of the experiments. Our formulation is more general. In a given data set, there are a fixed number of responses for each individual, which may include a mix of discrete, binary and continuous variables. There is also a class of predictor objects, which may differ within a subject depending on how the predictor object is measured, i.e., depend on the experiment. The goal is to select which predictor objects affect any of the responses, where the number of such informative predictor objects or features tends to infinity as sample size increases. There are marginal likelihoods for each way the predictor object is measured, i.e., for each experiment. We specify a pseudolikelihood combining the marginal likelihoods, and propose a pseudolikelihood information criterion. Under regularity conditions, we establish selection consistency for the pseudolikelihood information criterion with unbounded true model size, which includes a Bayesian information criterion with appropriate penalty term as a special case. Simulations indicate that data integration improves upon, sometimes dramatically, using only one of the data sources.

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