Cosmological implications of the transition from the false vacuum to the true vacuum state

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the cosmology with the running dark energy. The parametrization of dark energy with the respect to the redshift is derived from the first principles of quantum mechanics. Energy density of dark energy is obtained from the quantum process of transition from the false vacuum state to the true vacuum state. This is the class of the extended interacting $Lambda$CDM models. We consider the energy density of dark energy parametrization $rho_text{de}(t)$, which follows from the Breit-Wigner energy distribution function which is used to model the quantum unstable systems. The idea that properties of the process of the quantum mechanical decay of unstable states can help to understand the properties of the observed universe was formulated by Krauss and Dent and this idea was used in our considerations. In the cosmological model with the mentioned parametrization there is an energy transfer between the dark matter and dark energy. In such a evolutional scenario the universe is starting from the false vacuum state and going to the true vacuum state of the present day universe. We find that the intermediate regime during the passage from false to true vacuum states takes place. The intensity of the analyzed process is measured by a parameter $alpha$. For the small value of $alpha$ ($0<alpha <0.4$) this intermediate (quantum) regime is characterized by an oscillatory behavior of the density of dark energy while the for $alpha > 0.4$ the density of the dark energy simply jumps down. In both cases (independent from the parameter $alpha$) the today value of density of dark energy is reached at the value of $0.7$. We estimate the cosmological parameters for this model with visible and dark matter. This model becomes in good agreement with the astronomical data and is practically indistinguishable from $Lambda$CDM model.

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