Phase diagram of the off-diagonal Aubry-Andre model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study a one-dimensional quasiperiodic system described by the off-diagonal Aubry-Andr{e} model and investigate its phase diagram by using the symmetry and the multifractal analysis. It was shown in a recent work ({it Phys. Rev. B} {bf 93}, 205441 (2016)) that its phase diagram was divided into three regions, dubbed the extended, the topologically-nontrivial localized and the topologically-trivial localized phases, respectively. Out of our expectation, we find an additional region of the extended phase which can be mapped into the original one by a symmetry transformation. More unexpectedly, in both localized phases, most of the eigenfunctions are neither localized nor extended. Instead, they display critical features, that is, the minimum of the singularity spectrum is in a range $0<gamma_{min}<1$ instead of $0$ for the localized state or $1$ for the extended state. Thus, a mixed phase is found with a mixture of localized and critical eigenfunctions.

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