On Quantified Propositional Logics and the Exponential Time Hierarchy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study quantified propositional logics from the complexity theoretic point of view. First we introduce alternating dependency quantified boolean formulae (ADQBF) which generalize both quantified and dependency quantified boolean formulae. We show that the truth evaluation for ADQBF is AEXPTIME(poly)-complete. We also identify fragments for which the problem is complete for the levels of the exponential hierarchy. Second we study propositional team-based logics. We show that DQBF formulae correspond naturally to quantified propositional dependence logic and present a general NEXPTIME upper bound for quantified propositional logic with a large class of generalized dependence atoms. Moreover we show AEXPTIME(poly)-completeness for extensions of propositional team logic with generalized dependence atoms.

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