Capacity Lower Bounds of the Noncentral Chi-Channel with Applications to Soliton Amplitude Modulation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The channel law for amplitude-modulated solitons transmitted through a nonlinear optical fibre with ideal distributed amplification and a receiver based on the nonlinear Fourier transform is a noncentral chi-distribution with $2n$ degrees of freedom, where $n=2$ and $n=3$ correspond to the single- and dual-polarisation cases, respectively. In this paper, we study capacity lower bounds of this channel under an average power constraint in bits per channel use. We develop an asymptotic semi-analytic approximation for a capacity lower bound for arbitrary $n$ and a Rayleigh input distribution. It is shown that this lower bound grows logarithmically with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), independently of the value of $n$. Numerical results for other continuous input distributions are also provided. A half-Gaussian input distribution is shown to give larger rates than a Rayleigh input distribution for $n=1,2,3$. At an SNR of $25$ dB, the best lower bounds we developed are approximately $3.68$ bit per channel use. The practically relevant case of amplitude shift-keying (ASK) constellations is also numerically analysed. For the same SNR of $25$ dB, a $16$-ASK constellation yields a rate of approximately $3.45$ bit per channel use.

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