Rogue Waves in Ultracold Bosonic Seas

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work, we numerically consider the initial value problem for nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) type models arising in the physics of ultracold boson gases, with generic Gaussian wavepacket initial data. The corresponding Gaussians width and, wherever relevant also its amplitude, serve as control parameters. First we explore the one-dimensional, standard NLS equation with general power law nonlinearity, in which large amplitude excitations reminiscent of Peregrine solitons or regular solitons appear to form, as the width of the relevant Gaussian is varied. Furthermore, the variation of the nonlinearity exponent aims at a first glimpse of the interplay between rogue or soliton formation and collapse features. The robustness of the main features to noise in the initial data is also confirmed. To better connect our study with the physics of atomic condensates, and explore the role of dimensionality effects, we also consider the nonpolynomial Schrodinger equation (NPSE), as well as the full three-dimensional NLS equation, and examine the degree to which relevant considerations generalize.

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